Does pain change people? Pain is like a jail, you have to fight your way out, and even when you think you’ve made it out, you are permanently branded by scars. Some people are lucky enough to meet someone else to help them out, before they dwell in pain too long. To meet someone who’d stand by them embracing the scars. In between my fight for a way out, I met a man. He’s just like him, only much younger. So not long after, I allowed him to be by my side. I don’t think that his presence heal my pain, because I know, I can only heal by myself. But having someone I can depend on really helps that process. The only problem is, I am not the same again. I realized I have changed so much. I still love. But with my guards up high, not as reachable as I used to be, not as trusting, not as innocent, and not as pure I once were. I always feel cautious, afraid to repeat the same mistakes again. I break hearts to save my own and I can go so long without telling him how I ...